Vibes is manufactured with greater than 40% Recycled Material.
The Vibes factory is one of very few Ceramics manufacturers in the world that are B-Corp Certified, which is the highest level of third party certification to support the fact that the company has comprehensive policies and systems in place to ensure that all aspects of the business are properly controlled, resulting in the lowest possible impact on the environment.
This Manufacturer is dedicated to minimizing the environmental impact of its industrial production in order to protect the entire ecosystem. The life-cycle impacts of Vibes has been evaluated from cradle to grave, and respects the industry-wide type EPD "Confindustria Ceramica" for Italian Ceramic tiles with third party certification (Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.). All of the water used in the Vibes production process is completely recovered, therefore reducing the discharge to zero. Continual monitoring is carried out on emissions in order to significantly reduce the pollutants that are damaging to the environment. The factory separately collects and recycles paper, plastic material, wood, steel and copper.
Please refer to the below links for more comprehensive information on this topic: